

目前顯示的是 12月 4, 2005的文章

You Owe Me An IOU .........

    (From: Amazon)     總在 MVP 2005 來不及抄下的曲子,   是Hot Hot Heat樂團在2005年所發行 《 Elevator 》專輯當中的一首輕快歌曲,     " You Owe Me An IOU "    (你欠我一個我欠你)     沒想到在找到專輯後發現, 它真是可愛呀!!   輕快、調皮的曲風,配上令人莞爾一笑的歌詞。   著實讓人在不知不覺中勾起一抹甜蜜的微笑。   哈~~~是吧!! 可愛的Zoe...!!   P.S:要歌的人傳訊跟我說吧....^^                                           BP   You Owe Me An IOU  Lyrics Hot Hot Heat - " You Owe Me An IOU "   He was in the habit of taking things for granted Granted, there wasn't much for him to take And the only thing constant was the constant reminder he'd never change Tight fisted with his compliments, it didn't seem to bother him that talk is even cheaper told in bulk And the only thing constant was the constant reminder He'd never change And so she yelled at him: You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU You owe me an IOU Don't think that I'll forget You owe me an IOU - owe me an IOU You owe me an IOU Don't think that I'll forget I know what I should get this time She was in the ha...