HEMiDEMi 的標籤: Nassim Nicholas Taleb , The Black Swan , 創新 "The entire knowledge-seeking enterprise is based on taking conventional wisdom and accepted scientific beliefs and shattering them into pieces with new counterintuitive evidence, whether at a micro scale or at a larger one. Scientists may be in the business of laughing at their predecessors, but owing to an array of human mental dispositions, few realize that someone will laugh at their beliefs in the (disappointingly near) future. " .. By Nassim Nicholas Taleb – < The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable > 『整個知識產業就是建立在學習傳統智慧和眾人所接受的科學信仰,並以與直覺相違的新事證將其打的粉碎,不論是規模微小或是巨大。也許,嘲笑前輩就是科學家所從事的事業,但由於人類的各種心理特質,很少有科學家瞭解,將來(不幸地,是不久的將來) 也會有人嘲笑他們的想法。』.. By Nassim Nicholas Taleb – < The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable > 寫的真好!這也就是創新的現實狀態! 尤其是第二段, 雖然戲謔,卻反映了許多自視高瞻的學者教授們的心理狀態。 遺憾的是, 毫不謙遜的他們,除了嘲笑, 卻也只剩下嘲笑 (或被嘲笑)。 BP 2011.04.09