This world full the information of complaining, fake, lie, negative attitude and disappointment. Everyday when we wake up, it comes from any kinds of media into us, and we didn't recognize it's already shadowed our eyes and kicked us into the negative cycle. We needs an attitude adjustment from inside out, to judge things with solution, do things with honesty, thinking in positive, and most important is give someone feel that he/she is worth loving for, and make a dream, let it come true ! 半夜醒來,總算來到的秋天涼風讓腦袋格外清醒,慣性的打開了Facebook,突然意識到這無時無刻接收到的資訊,無論國內外的新聞、電子媒體、朋友們的轉寄訊息,幾乎大多數都帶著負面的情緒: 抱怨、謊言、虛假與各種失望悲情。這些在眼前螢幕上刷新的內容,與五感體會到這夜裡的清新、十一樓美麗夜景、轉濃的秋意,霎時間爆裂出一種超現實的強烈違和感,也才真正意識到,我們的雙眼都被這樣的人工迷惑遮蔽了,而我們卻不自知。